Welcome to Powerbulbs, the UK’s number 1 seller of automotive bulbs. We’ve made finding the right bulbs for your car easy with our handy bulb finders. If you are still struggling after using the bulb finder call us on +44 01924 334180 to speak to one of our experts.

If you are looking for OEM bulbs for your car or looking for improved performance, we have the widest selection of bulbs in the UK.

Click the link to find bulbs from the most popular manufacturers, or use our handy bulb finder to find the right bulbs for your car.

If you are looking for OEM bulbs for your car or looking for improved performance, we have the widest selection of bulbs in the UK, from Halogen Bulbs, to Xenon Bulbs and LED Bulbs along with DRL Kits and a variety of Car Accessories.


See and be seen. Upgrade the halogen bulbs in your vehicle with xenon. Available for the Focus, Fiesta, Mondeo, Galaxy and more...


Headlight bulbs upgrades for all common HONDA (US) models


Replace the headlight bulbs on your Mazda (US)


Selection for all common DODGE (US) models


Selection for all common CHEVROLET (US) models


Selection for all common TOYOTA (US) models.


Selection for all common VOLKSWAGEN (US) models.


Selection for all common BMW (US) models 


Selection for all common ACURA (US) models.


Replace the headlight bulbs on your MERCEDES BENZ (US)